Jan 24Liked by Mo Perry

Reminds me of William Blake's "The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom" ... and "You never know what is enough unless you know what is more than enough.” I love how you play in that space here.

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Jan 23Liked by Mo Perry

"The more “therapy speak,” trigger warnings, and safe spaces abound, the more fragile and less mentally healthy we become as a society." That right there...yup...

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Jan 25Liked by Mo Perry

Thank you once again, Mo, for bringing clarity to issues so many of us grapple with! Your words help all of us .

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Jan 24Liked by Mo Perry

I have a similar psychology. It takes concentration not to do something, just sit there. A wise reminder, thanks!

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"During perimenopause, hormonal fluctuations can affect how a woman’s body stores fat. Stress levels also rise during these years..."

Boy, do I feel this. And I keep feeling like I need to keep DOING. DOING defines who I am. NOT DOING is a personality fault.

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