Love this Mo. Never heard of the 'neutral mask' before. The 'poeticals' often rhyme about joy of losing your hat. To me, it's the 'how' you love loving which gives 'you' a distinctive flavour... one of the infinite flavours of love. Thanks.

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Americans have been defining who they are by what they wear (Dior, Levi’s - labels in cloths) consume, and by where they travel for a while. defining oneself by who makes your socks go up and down is another layer of self absorption. But defining oneself by what one thinks and how one acts is harder work.

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Loooooove this piece Mo!!! Yes indeed... get yo (illusory) self FREE! Grateful for your voice. 🙏

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Mo - this is so beautifully written and widely shared. Thank you for sharing your insights.

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