As one who married into a New Mexico family, I deeply love this post.

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Thank you, Dr. Cifu!

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Beautiful writing, Mo! So many tangible phrases and images. I've wanted to visit NM for years and now even more so. Can't wait to pour sand out of my shoes there.

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Thank you, Dakota! You'll have to let me know when you make it here so I can send you my ever-growing list of recommendations! ;)

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Exquisite dispatch, Mo. When we were newly wed, late 1970’s, Mark and I traveled around New Mexico. Stayed in a rustic campground outside of Santa Fe. Coincidentally, the Georgia O’Keefe Museum opened during our stay. I left with a treasured print, Red Hills and Pedernal, 1956. O’Keeffe was an exotic woman whose work still enchants me. I wanted to post a photo of my print but could not figure out how so left it on your fb page.

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