Thank you, Mo. What a powerful reminder that the only place we can have an impact is right where we are. Love and connection are the only effective antidotes I'm aware of that are powerful enough to soften the anger, soothe the pain, and calm the chaos.

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For the last few years, I think more and more about how love seems like the most important thing. And then I think, well ok, but how do we love in the midst of so much anger- including my own? Your essay is a good instruction.

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This is wonderful, Mo. Loved seeing you in Twelfth Night (one of my all time favorite plays).

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Thank you so much, Christine!

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Thanks, Mo.

There is no winning, no “saving”, no conquering, no final act. Just connection.

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Thank you again, for saying what I feel, and cannot always say. Love you for that, and so many things.

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Love you, Jodi!

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Beautiful, as ever, Mo.

I've been listening to the song Reaching Out by the British band Take That a lot recently and your post has reminded me of it. Here are the lyrics: https://mojim.com/usy100667x10x43.htm

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I'm sorry that happened, Mo.

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Great comments Mo!

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Thanks for this piece!

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